Minggu, 14 Agustus 2022

Moment of Realization: What did We Lose?

"Kindness is universal. Sometimes being kind allows others to see the goodness in humanity through you. Always be kinder than necessary."


Hello again, you! It's a Monday morning, and this post is written due to boredom in a morning briefing. 

Two days ago, my ex's mother (Mami) chatted me on WhatsApp, asking me whether I could accompany her & her family (Bapak & Bikngah) to go around Palembang. I said yes, as at that time, my plans were only studying, lying in bed, and watching the "Yang Hilang Dalam Cinta" series (which were not necessarily important).

I was delighted as it had been a long since I met them the last time. I visited the most legendary "Pindang Musi Rawas", ate durian from Lahat (honorable mention for my best friend, Nuel, who gave me 2 big boxes of durian FREELY after visiting Lahat), took a lot of pictures in Ampera Bridge & Benteng Kuto Besak a.k.a BKB, stroll around the iconic Palembang Icon (lol), and ate martabak HAR. (FYI, HAR stands for Haji Abdul Razak, the founding father). 

I found myself enjoying the trip so much, enjoying every conversation without faking or forcing myself. I love them as they were very humble, checked up on my conditions, and treated me as their child. It is a blessing to have people who care about you when you are out of your hometown—especially Bapak with his "jokes receh" which successfully made me laugh all the time.

However, what made moments from 2 days ago so special was non-other than a moment of realization. I realized that even though my past relationship ended, my relationships with the people who crossed with my life then are still maintained (Mami, Bapak, Bikngah, Ka Moza, Ferina, Rio, Ilham, Caca, etc.) And most importantly, the qualities within myself that I had built together remained. What I lost was just a person who did not commit to love me, which was not a loss after all.

My best friend, Hafizh, kept reminding me to do great for everyone. He made me remember one of my favorite songs from Hindia: Membasuh

"Cukup besar tuk mengampuni, tuk mengasihi

Tanpa memperhitungkan masa yang lalu

Walau kering

Bisakah kita tetap membasuh?

Kita bergerak dan bersuara

Berjalan jauh tumbuh bersama

Sempatkan pulang ke beranda

Tuk mencatat hidup dan harganya"

At the end of the day, you will be remembered more for your kindness than for any level of success you could attain. So, keep doing good! (a little reminder from me, to me).

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