Kamis, 25 Januari 2024

Oh, Hi 2024!

It's a beautiful morning, and I find myself indulging in the simple joys of life. As I sit down to write my first blog post of 2024, I can't help but marvel at the beauty that surrounds me. Despite the storm Isha gracing the UK with its presence, there's an enchanting allure that makes it feel like I'm nestled on the beach, waves whispering secrets in the background.

The day begins with the warmth of the sun streaming through my window, I just knew that people here called it "Apricity", an old English word for the warmth of the sun on a winter's day. My breakfast, a humble yet satisfying combination of bread and raspberry jam (always my favorite), sets the tone for a day of appreciation. And of course, no morning is complete without a cup of coffee, made perfect with oat milk – a small adjustment to accommodate my lactose intolerance.

It's been nearly a year since I last penned down my thoughts in February 2023. Today, as I write again, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement. Blogging has always been a special space for me, a canvas where I can paint my thoughts and share my experiences with the world.

Lets talk about a random topic, learning!

For those who know me well, it's no secret how much I adore the process of learning. From the thrill of not knowing to the joy of understanding, I find solace in the pursuit of knowledge. There was a time when I hesitated to embrace this passion fully, fearing the judgments of others who labeled it as mere "ambition." Little did they know, my love for learning goes beyond grades and scores, it's about the sheer beauty of discovering new things and weaving connections with the existing knowledge in my mind.

In a society that sometimes tends to undervalue the joy of learning for its own sake, I've learned to overcome the judgments. The term "ambis" (short for "ambitious") may have been thrown my way, but I've come to realize that embracing curiosity is a strength, not a weakness. Learning is not just a means to an end; it's a lifelong journey that shapes who we are.

Here's to more mornings filled with gratitude, learning, and the beauty that lies in every moment. Cheers to 2024 and the countless opportunities it holds!

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